# Miosis


This interactive design is born from the essence of using two elements that are related such as shape and appearance and that are intertwined through a variable, in this case I wanted to develop a free idea of the faces that are conceptual which are predetermined by the click of the mouse and by the maximum size (ballsize) that I chose so that the central figure = the circle returns to its minimum shape and grows upwards, here you can also see a gesture when you click and scroll the mouse around the screen

Design Process

First, I drew a geometry figure (ball) that allowed me to elongate its size to a desired dimension, second I inserted the variable mouseX, mouseY to design the interaction with the mouse cursor and finally I combined this same variable with the mousePressed function in which it is possible to see the same figure over and over behind the main ball when moving it on the screen.


It is possible to combine variables as long as they are used wiselly, respecting global and local variables and their distinctive characteristics.
